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Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Formula for Success: Commitment

The first step in success for just about anything, most certainly sales success is your decision on the matter, "Are you in or out?".  Let's take a look at what we mean by commitment; I'm talking about deciding on a direction, then organizing and taking yourself there.  If you think of in terms of a road trip it makes the idea even more intuitive.  If you're taking a trip, you don't just hop in the care and go, at least I hope not.  You figure out where you want to go, plan your route, and then stick to that route so that you get where you want quickly an efficiently.
Your business commitment is no different.. You must think about where you want your business to go, plan accordingly, and most importantly, STICK TO IT!  Decide right now, are you ready to play full out to be a success.  Do you have any fears that might keep from your definition of success?  How does your success look and what do you need to do to make it happen?  All of these questions need to be answered to form your individual commitment to your career.  Remember, your own decisions will impact your path in life.  If you want to achieve something, anything, you have to decide to commit yourself to your plan.  Commitment is an everyday thing that you personally refuse to give up on.

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